
About Us

Safari Club International is the leading organization protecting all hunter’s rights by actively lobbying at the state, provincial and federal level. We are a non-profit organization that relies solely on our dedicated volunteers, membership fees, fund raising events and charitable contributions to carry out the battle to protect the freedom to hunt. Hunting must not be lost!


We intend to take back the ground lost and fight vigorously to insure your children and grandchildren have the same opportunity
to hunt that you did growing up. Every member of SCI is also a conservationist on many levels.


From our membership dollars that go to support SCI Foundation’s global activities and the hundreds of local chapter projects to the support of federal and local game and fish agencies through purchase of licenses and sporting equipment, members of SCI are conservationists of the best kind. The community of SCI hunters promotes strong family values and teaches young hunter’s about hunting and the role hunters play in sustainable wildlife conservation.


Missions & Involvement

Safari Club International is the leader in protecting the freedom to hunt and promoting wildlife conservation worldwide.
These primary missions are supported through the many arenas of the organization.  

Advocate: Since 2000, SCI has spent $140 million on protecting the freedom to hunt through policy advocacy, litigation, and education for federal and state legislators to ensure hunting is protected for future generations. Through direct involvement and partnerships with like-minded organizations, SCI has become a political force in Washington, D.C. and other world capitals.

Read more in Advocacy.

Connect: When you become a member of SCI, you join a network of over 55,000 like-minded individuals all over the world. In your local community there may already be an official SCI chapter. Working side by side, holding similar attitudes about the importance and responsibility of being a hunter, SCI members make a tangible difference through conservation efforts in their communities and voicing their concerns to representatives who take them to the floors of Washington.

Read more in Membership.

Educate: We provide breaking news, legal issues, government actions, product reviews, and exciting stories of the hunt, to more than 45,000 members. Through our publications, Safari Magazine and Safari Times, we keep you up to date on events and board actions as well, teach you some tips and techniques, and stories about other membersˊ hunting expeditions.

Read more in Media.

Represent: SCI members help shape and promote the image of the hunter to non-hunters through their words and actions. In addition to practicing ethical hunting while in the field and around others, members can give back by participating in humanitarian efforts taking place across the globe through the affiliated charitable organization, Safari Club International Foundation.

Read more at SCI Foundation.



President – Rich Gotshall
Vice President – Keith Almeida Treasurer 
Treasurer – Sean McCann
Secretary – Bob Salisbury

Immediate Past President  – Tom Van Note


James Rittenhouse

Douglas Sensenig

Greg Tait

Craig Van Der Heiden

Shawn Beightol

Executive Assistant: Diane Clutter



Fundraiser – Keith Almeida & Rich Gotshall 

Sporting Clays – Sean McCann & Tom Van Note

Membership – Doug Sensenig &  Bob Salisbury

Entertainment  – Greg Tait & Rich Gotshall

Education/AWLS – Shawn Beightol & Rich Gotshall

Website – James Rittenhouse & Tom Van Note

Sportsman Against Hunger – Craig Van Der Heiden  & Tom Van Note

Chapter Magazine/Advertising – Rich Gotshall 

Government Affairs / SCI-PAC – Sean McCann & Tom Van Note

Marketing Committee  – James Rittenhouse & Tom Van Note

Conservation Outreach – Craig Van Der Heiden




W. Bruce Brock

Dean Castillo

Lawrence S. Katz

Harry D. Dennis, Jr.

Carlos Davidov

Glen A. Hudson, Jr.

Ralph E. Johnson

Fredric C. Buresh

Richard B. Nilsen

Stephen J. Potter

Timmie E. Burr

Richard L. Gotshall

Keith Almeida

Sean McCann


Want to link with us? Email membership@scisfc.com

Safari Club International Home Page: www.scifirstforhunter.com>

SCI Foundation: www.safariclubfoundation.com

The 50th Annual SCI Hunters Convention will be held at Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada,
January 19-22, 2022.  Ultimate Sportsmen’s Market (showsci.org)